Welcome to Our Online Store!
Welcome to our online store! We hope you will enjoy and see what we have to offer. Our merchandise is available for preview and order. More products will be made available on the site next soon. Please feel free to contact us at 1-(347)-733-4358, email us at info@littlepolandgallery.com and/or set up appointment at our showroom location on 240 Kent Avenue , Brooklyn, NY 11249.
****This December(11/17/2017 - 12/24/2017) we will be located at UNION SQUARE in Manhattan in the Holiday Market. Please call or visit us there.
Our website will offer soon a distinctive collection of clothing, wooden toys, and home decor, among our other products. However, wooden toys are becoming our main selling point. Feel free to check them out!
Please check in with us frequently to keep tabs on our expanding online merchandise as well as our event calendar, previewing our attendance at particular events.
Thank You,
Little Poland Gallery team